The existing water, wastewater, and other infrastructure systems The current location of the casino will be developed into low income housing with 50 units. As well as maintain the tribal police department. It will also help hire one Redwood Valley-Calpella Fire District full-time staff level firefighter. The money will be used to help with any impacts that the new casino could make on the area. Payments will be made to the county under the new agreement. Since that time, representatives from the tribe have been meeting with supervisors John McCowen and Carre Brown. The original agreement was made on October 16, 2007. However the tribe had continued to meet their obligations from the agreement that was originally made Previously the tribe had tried to develop a different project however it was never completed. The Memorandum of Understanding has been amended by the three groups. The tribe is hoping to do this in order to expand their casino. There will be a mitigation for the plan for the tribe to move their casino to an off reservation location. Coyote Valley Casino relocation approved by Mendocino CountyĪn agreement has been made between the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors and the Redwood Valley-Calpella Fire District and the Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians.